Sunday, December 11

Big update to the Marlburian project page..

It must be one of those afternoons... warm and cosy in the loft is the definite place to be...

Anyway - I took the opportunity while sat in comfort to have a big virtual 'sort out' on my Marlburian project page [click here]....

  • Done a major update to the layout so as to aid simpler navigation by moving all of the sections to their own pages (see list at top of page). 
  • I've also added details of the "Raid on St Michel" campaign that DG and I played end 2009/beginning 2010 (see Game Reports page)
  • Game report added - "Sawmill Village" (ditto)
  • Game report added - "Holding Position"(ditto)


  1. Very nice looking unit. Best, Dean

  2. Excellent news!! I've been waiting for an update over there for ages!!! Its certainly a fantastic resource!

  3. Very good work..."Tricornes" are very nice.
