Apologies for the lack of posts recently - I can only offer the excuse that work and family have made life a bit busy lately... but it doesn't mean
some stuff hasn't been going on in the background!

Without further ado then, please welcome the first bases in what will be a troop of British cavalry destined for the Sudan..

What you see here represents two thirds of the bases I need to represent a troop - specifically, the horse holders (that mark the point where the unit switches between mounted and dismounted) and the troop in dismounted mode forming a firing line..

I lifted my organisational elements direct from the old Peter Gilder rules that he described all those years ago in "Wargamers World" so in this instance the three bases represent about 60 men. Two or three troops would then represent a squadron depending on how strong the squadron actually was.

This troop is painted wearing grey frock coats and bedford cord trousers with puttee's - according to my sources (the excellent
Perry site - click here) they would stand in quite nicely as the 19th Hussars but I'm increasingly happy with the idea of having imaginary unit names so I may add them to the roster as a fictitious unit along the lines of the North Middlesex Regiment who featured in the recent
"Tarka" scenarioThe figures are from the incomparable Peter Pig 15mm Sudan range.
I love the models and I love the basing. I'ev added your site to my links as well. I look forward to seeing some in game shots of these guys.
ReplyDeleteThey do look good, Steve . . . but for some reason I prefer the earlier red coats to the more correct gray.
ReplyDelete-- Jeff
I always like the idea of imagi-regiments. My zulu wars British are the Royal Wessex and the North Mendip regiments
ReplyDeleteThey look very businesslike; I wouldn't want to tangle with them! Love the horseholder stands too, not many people bother with these.
ReplyDeleteVery nice - I like the grey actually, but then to me it's a nice change from all that AWI scarlet!
I wish people like you stop tempting me with such nice pictures of new periods. Stop it!