...just a quick post to bring the Operation Cornichon game to a close...
...you may remember that we left the action in turn 6 (just before SALUTE last weekend, but it feels like weeks away!) with the position as follows...
..the German section in the suppressed Hanomag (top middle behind the house) have bailed out looking for what cover they can get (I decided to make the passengers suppressed as well) - this turned out to be optimal timing as in next segment of the same move the French anti-tank gunner (at the bottom of the hill) finally gets his kill and the Hanomag bursts into flame...
On the hill, the remaining French LMG (single red dice) opened fire inflicting their first casualty on the Germans, not surprisingly the German return fire and also inflict wounds (the red dice indicate turns out of play as a cause of being hit)...
In the next move the Germans bring forward their other Hanomag to give supporting fire to the section in the village who are heading for the wall for cover..
...and BANG, the next Hanomag also gets it... damage to Hanomag's aside, the French commander now feels he's done enough, and in light of his orders to cause a delay only orders his men back to the lorries and takes off leaving the Germans to rustle up some transport...
Another view - end of game..

My thanks to DG for taking the French for the second half of this game - he was down for the weekend to go to SALUTE...
French - four dead, four wounded..
...you may remember that we left the action in turn 6 (just before SALUTE last weekend, but it feels like weeks away!) with the position as follows...
..the German section in the suppressed Hanomag (top middle behind the house) have bailed out looking for what cover they can get (I decided to make the passengers suppressed as well) - this turned out to be optimal timing as in next segment of the same move the French anti-tank gunner (at the bottom of the hill) finally gets his kill and the Hanomag bursts into flame...
On the hill, the remaining French LMG (single red dice) opened fire inflicting their first casualty on the Germans, not surprisingly the German return fire and also inflict wounds (the red dice indicate turns out of play as a cause of being hit)...
In the next move the Germans bring forward their other Hanomag to give supporting fire to the section in the village who are heading for the wall for cover..
...and BANG, the next Hanomag also gets it... damage to Hanomag's aside, the French commander now feels he's done enough, and in light of his orders to cause a delay only orders his men back to the lorries and takes off leaving the Germans to rustle up some transport...
Another view - end of game..
My thanks to DG for taking the French for the second half of this game - he was down for the weekend to go to SALUTE...
French - four dead, four wounded..
Germans - two wounded - both Hanomag's out
...and because we had time, we decided to play the scenario again, but this time with the French having 3 whole sections instead of two... and three anti-tank rifles...
Brilliant fun.... I took the Germans and DG took the French...
Remembering how poorly the anti-tank rifles had performed in the first game I decided to take my luck in my hands and ordered the first Hanomag straight down the road, and parked it next to the house....
You guessed it - DG's luck cut in and he immediately brewed the Hanomag with their crew still on board...
We diced for casualties, and action in the middle of the table was then dominated by Wounded Germans crawling into the house, where they then recovered enough to (in the end) lay down a fairly lively fire to the rear of the house....
In the picture following we can see that DG attacked on two flanks
With an end view that looks like the following - both my Hanomag's out of action - one brewed, one disabled, but both his attacking sections have been mauled.... unfortunately not as much as mine - I gave DG a narrow victory.
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End of Game - was having too much fun to take any more pictures! ![]() |
Very nice 'shoot'em-up and blow'em-up battle report. As a "make-your-own-charts" nut, I like how you've used a chart (yours?) to both identify troops and their battle status. Good work.