Wednesday, December 26

Christmas stocking contents....

This was, without a shadow of a doubt, a good year... 😏
I got the "Gem" and the "Wild Hare".. thanks ma & pa-in-law!

Thanks wifey... 😏

Brings the series to a close... is there anything more depressing than the ending of a book or series you've hugely enjoyed? Going to read these slowly I think....

CD and DVD of the reunion show at the 02 - oh yes......! 

Thanks ma and pa in law.. 😏 

Think I'll have one of the "Summer Lightnings" while I consider how I spend this...

..thanks spuds!

Trust yours was as fine..😁


  1. Glad you had a good one. I have been spending a couple of evenings in with my mates Jack Daniels and Glen Morangie. Very mellow Christmas for me!

    1. Matt - you take care now - you've only just got use of your limbs back..! :o))

  2. Great haul - something for every day!

    1. Paul - too right... and in most cases I can use more than one at the same time!

  3. Ah good ales brewed near Marauder HQ in Bath. My fave is Golden Hare in the spring time.
    Have a very merry New Year too, best wishes for 2013,

    1. warpaintjj - too right... I can't tell you how many lovely hours I've spent drinking Bath beers in the Salamander - for me though, you'd have to go a long way to beat the "Wild Hare", unless it was Christmas and you offered me a "Festivity".. :o)

  4. Bath Ales are excellent. Looks like you did very well this year!

    1. Legatus - not wanting to sound too grasping and materialistically minded I usually get a load of old tat, but this year was excellent..... still not quite as good as a 795 gm pork pie, but I'm definitely getting there...!
