Tuesday, October 22

Donald Featherstone Obituary

From The Times on Saturday (19th) - click to enlarge..



  1. A great man - if not the father of our hobby, then definitely the favourite Uncle who brought us lollies when nobody else was watching!

  2. After all the heart rending on the net it seems rather dispassionate, which is what a Times obit is famous for, I suppose. Still, a hell of a tribute to the man and the hobby to appear there eh? Although 99% of us never met him, we all 'know' Don Featherstone and many will miss him simply because he isn't around anymore. Having his books isn't the same as having him 'there' as it were.

    1. Gary - a nice tribute I thought - and testament to his standing that he would feature in the obituaries of "The Times of London"..

  3. Excellent. Thanks for posting that!
