First off, Iain Gale (the author - "Four Days in June", the Jack Steel series set in the War of the Spanish Succession, etc etc.) is doing a lecture on the 27th February - the talk [clicky] is on Wellington's Exploring Officers in the Peninsula War..
Now the role has always fascinated me - probably because of the Sharpe books (see left for the excellent Brian Cox as Captain - later Colonel - Michael Hogan, Engineer, exploring officer and spy master for Wellington in the Sharpe series)... it's a Thursday though, and in the evening, so it's unlikely I'll be able to make it - but I hope they record it!
Then, from just before Christmas, there's a recording of a previous lecture by Peter Caddick-Adams on the Monte Cassino campaign [clicky] - it's very good. Mr Caddick-Adams is definitely a man born out of his time, watch it and you know why I say that.. he reminds me very much of Richard Holmes (who he comments on at the beginning of the lecture, and who was clearly a mentor), and in saying that I can't give much higher praise ... recommended...
Bizarrely I worked out a few years ago that I knew him as I was a friend of his brother when we were all at primary school. Our mothers did the school run together and there were so many Caddick-Adam's that their mother had a Bedford van with a sliding door to transport them. My mum had a triumph herald estate and just threw loads of children in the boot and then slammed the door shut. I knew even then he was into military things as his bedroom was full of airfix model vehicles all done out for the western desert. It did not surprise me that he ended up as a military historian/lecturer.