Thursday, November 12

John Corrigan Memorial game 2020 - "Attack on a Prepared Position" - Setup

Right..  enough of this Covid nonsense, time for a return to the table, if only via Skype Zoom..  

As we haven't played "face to face" yet this year, DG and  I have firm plans to meet upon the field of Mars on Friday at 1, for the very much overdue, but not yet too late, '2020 John Corrigan Memorial Game' (which is the the 9th one we've played..)

For this game the period is a given, since the game is in memorial to John (known to the Royal Marines as Lofty C), and he was the one who singlehandedly started me off in the American War of Independence period with the gift of a huge number of ready painted 25mm Minifgs that were surplus to his requirements, but which he thought I'd like, given that I was just starting in the period..  diamond geezer..  he loved to paint, and those little metal men have walked the table many, many, times.. so here's to you, John..

Scenario for this game is a new source for me, "Scenarios For All Ages" by Grant and Asquith, a book I have had many years but not yet dipped in to..  usually I would pick the next one in the One Hour Wargame book, but the scenario there was not particularly suited to this event, and call me on the spectrum if you like, but I want to do them in order rather than pick another! ๐Ÿ˜€ So this game is scenario #1 - 'Attack on A Prepared Position'..  in summary, a numerically superior attacker is looking to force his way through the defender, who also has a series of hills/ridge as a tactical defence ..

I found this map on the blogosphere/interweb, so feel slightly less guilty about publishing it here, but there is a link above should you want to buy the book, and I recommend you do...  very little of what Grant and Asquith wrote is not worth owning, in fact I can't think of anything..

So the attacker comes on the table from the bottom (south of the A-A line), the defender can deploy anywhere north of the line, including in the woods if he so wishes..

That translates on a 4' x 4' table to the following..  the A-A line for our game is south of the woods..

DG has thrown the bones for us, and will play the American defenders, I will be the Anglo Hessian attacker..

Bring it on..  ๐Ÿ˜€


  1. Nice to hear from you again Steve. I too can recommend this book. Look forward to hearing how the game goes. I really must start playing and stop reading other people's games! Stay well. Jim

    1. Hi Jim - couldn't have summed it up better myself... "I really must start playing and stop reading other people's games!" Got to the point where I really was dragging the bottom of the bucket for excuses... I need to game and paint my way out of the gaming and painting funk! :o)

  2. We've been Skype gaming, because it is free for more than na hour, unlike Zoom. I understand Zoom gives a better picture, but which ever you go with, as you say, good to be wargaming.

    1. Greetings Trebian - yes, saw the time limit thing - but I think it may only be for meetings with more than two participants??? If not, we'll soon find out, but having tried both with my available camera's, I can confirm the picture quality is way better in Zoom... HD is an option and bu**ered if I could see that in Skype...

  3. Looking forward to reading your account of the game Steve. What rules are you using?

    1. Hi Nundanket.. the Will McNally one's available here => .. we've been using them longer than I can remember, and they always give a good game... we have a few house rules as well, details in the project page link on the side...

    2. Thanks Steve. Must have a look at those then for my new venture into AWI.

  4. A well worn book with some great scenarios, and a few less so. This is a tough one for the defenders.

  5. Hello Steve, great to see you surface again :) Game looks promising. Zoom really does sound like a way to keep playing through this virus cr*p, I just need to get my head round the technology. Anyway looking forward to seeing your AWI's back on the table.

    1. Hi Lee, because I use video conferencing so much at work I kind of have an advantage in working it out, but never having used Zoom before I am most impressed.. easier than the work system we use (Cisco webex) and more intuitive than Skype (which DG and I have used up to now).. they key is the camera.. you need the best you can get to give your opponent a chance to see what's going on..

  6. Steve, it's a brilliant book that I have only dipped into on the gaming table so far, though I've read it cover to cover.
