Friday, April 22

"Firing into the Brown" #15 - spares, freebies, books, and stuff..

"So Carnehan weeds out the pick of his men, and sets the two of the Army to show them drill and at the end of two weeks the men can manoeuvre about as well as Volunteers. So he marches with the Chief to a great big plain on the top of a mountain, and the Chiefs men rushes into a village and takes it; we three Martinis firing into the brown of the enemy".

Kipling "The Man Who Would Be King"

Time for another update..

Progress is almost complete in the loft on the gradual replacement of all the tatty, but well served, cardboard boxes I used to use for troop storage - at the time of writing only two box files remain, and replacements for those are on the way..  this weekend however I scored a cheap 'Really Useful' 9 litre box in Tesco (other supermarche's are available) and this time it was the turn of what I euphemistically call the "Spares Box"...

..the "Spares Box"

Seemed rude not to have a rootle through the contents, as the box weighs an absolute ton..

First off, assorted and partially painted Minifigs 25mm ..  look like Iron Brigade from the hats..  guessing these would have come from the collection/paintbrush of Lofty C ('Ave', John) via DG when I first contemplated the ACW project which eventually went the 20mm route..   I'll not be using them and I rather they were being used, if anyone reading wants them they are yours for the cost of postage and a donation of your choosing to any Ukraine support charity - let me know via the contact widget to the left..

..another sorted bundle with what looks like a solitary sharp shooter in the middle (Berdan's?) - same deal - if you want them contact me...

Lovely..  Minifigs Samurai archers from my old WRG army (6th Edition naturally)..these aren't going anywhere..  😀

Ahh - the rest of the Sharpshooters - Minifigs 25mm - same deal - if you want them, ping me

I wonder where on earth I picked those up?! Same deal - if you want them, or can use them, ping me..

Assortment of 'artillerists' - Union and Confederate - almost certainly Minifigs 25mm - you know the score by now, if you want them then..

The first metal figures I ever bought..  only the riders...  in Nottingham I think on a visit to see my grandparents..  Hinchliffe? Years later I could finally afford horses, so they are mounted on the definitive Minfigs fat ar*ed horse.. 😀   These are not going anywhere...

A huge long time ago, DG and I played around with Spearhead in 1:300 scale and I think these are left overs from the project - guessing they are H&R.. Spitfires and Stuka's.. a strange mix... going to keep these as one day I might like to do some WW2 Air Wargaming..

Next - officers - ACW - 25mm - Minfigs - if you want them, you know the drill..

There is one horse in the pack that isn't Minifigs, going to guess Hinchliffe, but a comparison of ar*es is in order..  see what I mean about Minifigs horses? He answers to the name of Kardashian..  😁

Huge bag of ACW cavalry in kepi's - weighs most of a ton - if it's of any use to you, let me know..

Lord only knows how old these (next) are - but they date from the time when Minifigs sold their 15mm's in strips.. I'll be keeping these for nostalgia reasons..  sad I know..  😊

No idea what this was doing in the spares box, painted by me but far too nice to be in there so I have moved it to the AWI collection..

I have no idea what where or when these entered my hands..  not even sure what they are...  Asiatic perhaps Chinese??? Same deal - if they are any good to you, then contact me..

A small job lot of partially painted Samurai...  again I have no idea where these came from, or make..  the horses loo like grey hounds...  if you want them, you know the deal...

..and after all that - this was left..  😁A glorious mish mash of all sorts...


 Laters, as the young people are want to say...


  1. I know what you mean about the Minifigs 15mm's in strips. I have a big pile of unpainted ones too, plus plenty that are painted. I am going to be all Chinese Emperor and get them buried with me. :)

    1. Hiya Ben - apologies for the delay in responding, no excuses, I forgot to to... :o) re. those strips, yes, I wonder how old they are? Must do some research.. When I go, I'll ask the missus to cache some AWI 25mm's in the casket with me.. if I slip a dice in my pocket as well I'm sorted.. LOL

  2. It's always fascinating seeing what is in people's "dead projects" or spares boxes. :-)



    1. Hiya David - I reckon we all probably have them... it's like that drawer we all have in the kitchen!

    2. Yes, I am sure you are right! Rather revealing of character, I suspect... :-)


