Saturday, July 20

"Firing into the Brown" #54 - Corp, Zeke and their boys gets some duds...

"So Carnehan weeds out the pick of his men, and sets the two of the Army to show them drill and at the end of two weeks the men can manoeuvre about as well as Volunteers. So he marches with the Chief to a great big plain on the top of a mountain, and the Chiefs men rushes into a village and takes it; we three Martinis firing into the brown of the enemy".

Kipling "The Man Who Would Be King"

Time for another update..

Lord above..  paint has been splashed about...  

Long overdue, and these are the first ACW figures I've painted since February '21, so kind of overdue on that front. Even more so as these figures have already had two games in the buff! 😏 Yup - time for Corp, Zeke, Zack, Buck, Robbie and Seth to "get some duds", and as the horses from the last scenario were already out I decided to do them as well..

On the painting table.. I went with a fairly typical uniform for both sides..  usual black undercoats all round, very heavy dry brush of white, and then painting over the top of that not being too careful about colouring up to the lines as the black provides the shadowing..  Vallejo acrylics all round apart from the Union dark blue which was Rowney dark blue ink, and all the black which was Rowney black ink.. 

Went with standard confederate grey for Zeke and his boys, though I did diverge for their trousers/"pants" which in this case were in two different shades of butternut for the boys, but Zeke has managed to liberate a pair of Yankee ones ('only one previous owner, lightly used, and only worn to go to church on Sundays').

 As befits being from the rich North, Corp and the boys are in standard Union uniforms, yellow frogging and all..  the dark blue ink dries shiny so all these guys then had a coat of Testors 'Dullcote' which you can see drying in the picture

As can be seen from the horse collars, these are artillery draft horses rather than cavalry horses, but they have saddles, and will almost certainly feature in a future scenario, so why not.. 😏

Based and finished...

Then the Union boys..  quite pleased with the corporals stripes on Corp at the back (#1), then Seth (#2) and Zack (#3)

...and the Confederates..  Zeke right (#1), Robbie centre (#2) and Buck (#3)

That yellow trim and cuffs on grey makes for a handsome uniform...

Job done..  keen to get them on the table now!

Figures are 20mm, by Newline, and painted July 2024..


 Laters, as the young people are want to say...


  1. Nice work on them, they look great, nice miniature too, not seen much of Newline Designs 20mm stuff before but they look very decent indeed.

    1. Thanks Donnie - Newline are one of those 'hidden gems' ranges, but I really like Sean's scuplts and when it came to the ACW project it was a bit of a no brainer as soon as I'd seen them..

  2. Great paint job Steve!
    I am looking forward to their next adventure.

    1. Cheers Ben - giving it some thought as we speak... also just ordered a gunfighter pack from Newline to shake it up a little, and allow some other options

  3. Very nice Steve. I like Newline. I was talking with Sean at the Devizes show yesterday. He now has a nice line of ACW Generals. A pity I have more than enough staff!

    1. Hiya Jim! Good to hear from you... Just ordered some more little metal men from him this afternoon... I'm quite liking this semi-military back story, it may be time for Zeke and the lads to ride again! :o)
