Monday, April 28

Annexation of Chiraz - Game #3 - Incident at Drew - Game Moves 1 to 11

I'll keep these short as the look of an online computer game can never compare with moving the little lead men, but DG and I have had no opportunity to game for some time, and given we live 2 or 300 miles apart this is the only quick option...  😀

So I would refer you to this post [clicky] for the setup

Here's the position at move 11- please click to embiggen....

Red units are the Allies and their Chiraz'ian allied contingents - Blue are French

As you can see - both sides have marched hard for the bridges and I think it fair to say that the tussle is coming to the boil. In the middle DG has attacked my holding force (but in the next move I see them off in a most pleasing manner).

The Chiraz infantry section by the first bridge has been roughly handled by DG's artillery and are also about to break (due to casualties).

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