Sunday, March 1

Updated 15mm figure comparison - Infantry

I'll get these on to the project page soonest (link to the left) but the little package I ordered from CP Models has arrived and it seemed a shame not to set up a little line-up.. 

So first up, a head on view..

In order left to right:
  1. Dixon 
  2. Editions Brokaw I received these free gratis from an American gamer (Sir William the Aged - who amongst other things contributes to the Wars of Louis Quatorze [clicky] web site) in 2009, a very kind gesture
  3. Minifigs
  4. Black Hat
  5. Roundway
  6. Warrior
  7. CP Models
...apologies - no Essex figures to hand...

Same again - but this time I refaced the Dixon for a better view

Side shot - following - to give a more representative feel for the "heft" (or chunkiness) - look at the elegance of the Minifig, but compare that with the 'realism' of the Black Hat figure next to him..  entirely differing styles, years apart - but still two of my favourite figure ranges

..and from the other side...

..and this time some close ups with my two favourite figures.. CP in the middle..  very different figure to figure, but these guys are only 15mm so the differences in reality are minimal on the tabletop...

The CP Models and Black Hat figures both have a thick base, but despite this the CP figure is the shortest of the three..

The Black Tree figure has the bigger "heft" but only from the front - if you look in the following you see he's actually well modelled...  the Minifigs figure is possible the most anatomically correct, and also wins for having the better modelled musket and tricorn...

We'll have to see how the CP Models figure paints up...


  1. Great pics Steve, Isn't the figure you can't remember an Editions Brokaw?

    1. Ray - he may well be - "bear with" while I check my emails from too damn long ago... :o)

  2. Replies
    1. Pendragon - I know - keep meaning too just haven't got round to it yet

  3. Good comparison. The Minifig looks quite good to me.

    1. Jonathan - the Minifg is just..elegant full stop.... a hugely under-rated range in my view.... :o)

  4. Very interesting comparison. This is why I don't do 15mm because, basically, they are all a bit rubbish!

    Be very interesting to see how they paint up!

    1. Legatus - for shame - eye of the beholder and all that... :o)

      The Minifig, and the painted version of the Black Hat are lovely...

      From just this lunchtime, feed your eyes on 15mm painted loveliness (from Paul/Grimsby Mariner as it happens) and repeat your statement again... :o)

  5. What no Blur Moon ???? Of those you show the minifig is by far the best the CP next then warrior- for the movement the rest nowhere In my very biased opinion Blue Moon - though I suspect larger outshine all of thse with only the minifig being in the same room.

    1. Andy - I'd very much like to try the Blue Moon, but the 18mm description has put me off - in your view how do they compare size'wise??

    2. Steve- Difficult to be accurate as I have not measured them agaigst any but the dixons- which they overmsatch by a head. My own view in theis size thing is that mostly it doesn't matter once on the table as long as you don't mix makers in the same Units
      Strictly speaking - I've measured to check Blue Moon Malburians are 15mm to the shoulder so 18mm is more accurate than some of the Dwary dudes you show in your pic ! - though that desscrition does not include the rather elgant minifig.

  6. I was rather taken with the Warrior model. That craggy face is full of character and looks the part. if I had to make a choice I think Minifigs would be the one but Warrior a close second/ In painting terms though I suspect the BlackHat model is the easier to paint.

    1. Paul - spot on - the Black Hat boys kind of paint themselves really because of all that surface detail... the Minifg figure is very smooth - all the detail is there but not optimal for dry brush/ink shading
