So... 1643, and the focus of the war is in the west of England, with Charles manoeuvring to take Bristol (vital sea port, source of trade/supply, and also handy for his reinforcements in Ireland). The King's commander is Hopton, he has recently been reinforced by the Kings less well known nephew, Maurice, and his force comprises about 4000 foot, 2000 horse and 300 dragoons
Against him the Parliamentarian army is commanded by his old friend Sir William Waller, Major General of the Western Association. Waller is outnumbered, having only about 1500 foot and 2500 horse.
The best site I have found when preparing for a battlefield visit is the Battlefield Trust site [clicky] - I would recommend a visit there, rather than me regurgitating it here - but in essence the battle is in 3 stages
1. Waller takes position in the edge of the Lansdown escarpment - the Royalists are across the valley on Freeze Hill (and Tog Hill behind it). During the day he launches attacks with his cavalry and dragoons (in which he has a slight advantage in numbers) into the valley and on to the opposite hill. Initial results are promising but the Royalists counter attack and force the Parliamentary troops back to their front line..
2. Hopton launches assaults with infantry on either flank, and also launches a full assault up the hill in the centre... the attack of the Cornish Regiment (surely classed as veteran/elite in any set of rules you want to use!) under the command of Sir Bevil Grenville causes them to take huge losses but forces the front line...
3.Waller withdraws to a secondary position, and then under cover of dark leaves lit matches on the wall and retreats via Bath...
Some is possible to visit the battlefield on public transport, but it is a bit of a walk... catch the 31/Lansdown Park and Ride bus service.. when I went it was £3.30 return.. bargain.. At the Park and Ride come out of the car park and turn left/north; the battlefield is about a mile and a half up the road.. took me 30 minutes but it's a busy road, and there's only a footpath for part of it,... just step into the curb when a car approaches and you'll be fine... 😀
So to the visit - four seasons in one day but an absolute belter of a day... the following will help orientate the pictures..
Walking up from the Park and Ride, and I took this about a half a mile away from the battlefield..
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1. Waller's front line runs roughly along the line of trees, his second line is the wall in the mid-picture |
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2. South side of the wall - Waller's troops took up position behind this wall after having been forced back... |
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3. Is it me or is there a dish shaped cutout in the wall that has clearly been repaired? at a later date? |
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4. North side of the wall, looking from the main road => east.. |
This was not Nature’s courage nor that thing,
We valour call which Time and Reason bring,
But a diviner fury fierce and high,
Valour transported into Ecstasy.
William Cartwright "Elegy on Sir Bevil Grenville"
William Cartwright "Elegy on Sir Bevil Grenville"
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5. Note the marker flag - of which there are several - that mark the front line of the battle... |
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The family name changed from Grenville to Granville at a later date hence the discrepancy... click to embigen |
Coming up on to the open hill top again this shows what was probably Waller's front line - he'd have had his artillery here...
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7. Front line looking east - the monument is behind me... |
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8. Click to embigen.. |
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8. Click to embigen |
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9. The quarry pits.. either old earth works, or a place where stone has been quarried, either way Waller put infantry in here.. |
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10. Parliamentary left flank looking west... Hanging Hill wood in the distance |
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11. The Royalist musketeers attacked up this hill - in the far distance - through the rain - is Bristol |
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12. Click to embigen.. |
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13. Freezing Hill.. |
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14. Valley between Freezing Hill and Lansdown.. |
Visit to the Old Green Tree afterwards was well deserved... as was the pint (or three... oh go on, four..

Brilliant day - none better....
Other links:
What a great post!!! Ta!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post!!! Ta!
ReplyDeleteRay - even as I write I can see the Rejects charabanc pulling up into the car park, Postie at the front with an umbrella in the air.. "follow me".... you know you want to... :o))
DeleteExcellent day out ! , Tony
ReplyDeleteTony - got soaked, but it was beyond excellent.. :o)
Deletewell done, the last time I visited it was boggy in quite a few places. I'm back to Bath next week and I might get chance to pop in to the Old Green Tree. Although I might pop into my old stomping ground of the Saracens hHad instead.
ReplyDeleteWill, apparently it's been the wettest June on record, and certainly some of the paths were a bit muddy (especially in the woods below the monument), but nothing serious... as to pubs, go to both.. :o)
DeleteI remember reading about this battle in one of Nicholas Carter's ECW novels. I have friends in Bath and we always drive through the battlefield on the way from the M4 but I have never stopped and looked at it. Really excellent post!
ReplyDeleteLegatus, well worth stopping next time you go through.. there are a couple of side lanes where you could park, last time I drove I parked in the race course car park... the views from Hanging Hill both to Bristol and to the east of the battlefield are astounding.. and it makes it all the more clear why Waller positioned himself as he did...
DeleteGreat stuff Steve - I visited the site myself some years ago and it was excellent.
ReplyDeleteCK - I remember it... didn't you do an article on it? ended up in the Volunteer Riflemen's Arms?
DeleteFantastic blog post Steve. I love history, and this taught me something new. Looks like a beautiful place to visit too. I might have to take a trip soon!
ReplyDeleteOnly just discovered this post Steve thanks to Radar of Keep Your Powder Dry fame. Very useful post. I need to dig through your 'back catalogue' :D
ReplyDeleteThey're some steep hills. Knowing from recent experience how steep it can be in Cornwall (and everywhere seems uphill!), if anyone could have done it, it was Cornish lads. So steep perhaps the Roundhead shot went over their heads. Hell of an achievement though.
Nundanket... one of the joys of battle field walking is seeing something like that in the flesh... the bravery never fails to amaze...