..absolutely brilliant day in the loft yesterday - it's nice and quiet this week as we all seem to be recovering from Christmas & New Year, I have a few days off, so decided to use the quiet time in front of my painting table finishing off some projects from last week and clearing some of the pile of undercoated lead that's been sitting round for far (far) too long...
...without further ado then, to the the left and below is the first piece of WWII painting I've done in ages; ready for the next Blitzkrieg Commander game perhaps! Either way, here's some aerial artillery for the Afrika Korps. You can almost hear the air sirens.... this is made by AIM and is N scale (10 or 12mm) to support my Minifigs N scale WWII troops.....
Bit of a cheat, but I also finished off some "supplies" for my 15mm War of the Spanish Succession forces - not sure who the manufacturer is of the following, but an army cannot march on bread alone so here's some 'meat on the hoof'.........

So - 12 cows, 3 herdsman (all one point each), One Stuka (at 2 points) - I make the starting total for 2008 to be 17 points..
Nice ... perhaps I'll direct the axis forces next time! ... dwg