By way of assuring my reader that I really haven't shuffled off this mortal coil ... as we say every year... "here we go again"...๐
I'm still (still) not really a 'blowing the trumpet', 'review your triumphs',
etc etc type of person (I leave that to the business corporate types I used to
work with), but like my 'end of the year' review on
the sailing blog
it is kind of nice to cast my eyes over the year gone, and remind myself of
the ups and (this year, mostly) downs.... and besides everyone else is doing
the same thing...
So by way of a joining up of the threads, and a bringing to a close of the
last year, let's push on...
First, how did I do against
my expectations [clicky]?? Note: I never, ever, make 'resolutions', just 'set
expectations', and thus when I inevitably fail to meet them yet again, it is
not too demoralising or depressing an event..
1/. Play more games..
Slight victory... there were five table top games in 2022 (c/w two in 2021,
three in 2020, four in 2019, six in 2018, and eight in 2017) which is both
atrocious and still a downwards trend;
- ACW - "mini game" [clicky] inspired by a scenario I first saw on Norm's blog [clicky]..
- ACW (Naval) - "Riverine Action" [clicky] - Confederate attempt to force a river passage
- ACW (Naval) - "Hunt the Chattanooga" [clicky] triumphant conclusion to a very entertaining min campaign first recommended to my by regular reader Jim - available here [clicky]for very few pennies, and very much worth it..
- ACW (Naval) - more "riverine action [clicky]"
- AWI - John Corrigan Memorial game 2022 - "Spare Your Reserves" [clicky] scenario detail is here [clicky] which came originally from an idea on this blog [clicky]
.. DG and I are also currently playing the Bunker Hill scenario from the Rebels and Redcoats board game, exchanging moves via Dropbox and email. We last played this in 2005!
But all in all - green shoots of growth showing, I think...
It is very noticeable that the hey day of Blogger has now long gone - other platforms, new year diary syndrome, ennui, can't be bothered, call it what you will but the sheer quantity of blogs is now much less than it was, and I am no different.. blogging takes a fair amount of effort, and sometimes it's just easier to put up a 3 line entry on Farcebook, or Twitter....
Anyhoo, there were 25 posts including this one in 2022 (c/w 21posts in 2021, 32 in 2020, 49 in 2019, 35 in 2018, 45 in 2017, 58 in 2016, 69 in 2015, 68 in 2014, 84 in '13, 85, in '12) which is is better but the downward trend is back on again.
I'm happy with Blogger, I like to write and it suits my ordered mind, but I need creative inputs to prompt posts, and I wasn't feeling it in 2022...
I would say I did "poorly" with this one - as is usual with me, my painting
months are beginning and end of the sailing season, there's 100 points worth
here which compares with 200 points in 2021 and 253 points in 2020... not
even close, not even a sniff of the cigar humidor... a definite fall off in
painting efforts in the second half of the year where normally I might
expect to pick up after the sailing finishes.. improvement needed!
Date (click to go to post) Item description Period Make Scale Points Value/Total Pts 14/1/22 WWII French rebasing WW2 n/a 15mm 5@2 for 10 Pts 4/3/22 WWII German rebasing WW2 Peter Pig 15mm 37@1 and 14@2 for 65pts 18/3/22 Royal Italien rebased and reflagged
WSS Warrior 15mm 24@1, plus 1 for the flag, for 25pts Total to date: 100 points (200 from 2021 to beat)
If I did nothing else in 2022 I did read (just as well, as I wasn't
blogging!)... thank goodness for books...
Half the number I read last year, and the quality was not as good I
thought, though there was one of my 10's in the list.. despite it's
venerable age (published 1951!), Brickhill takes it this year....
For this coming year I already have James Holland's book "Brothers in
Arms: By Tank to Germany" waiting and ready - this is an operational
history of the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry regiment from D-Day to VE
Day.. looking forward to it
- Montgomery (to my mind) as one of the early generals in charge of planning eventually washed his hands and sloped his shoulders and went off to the desert without a backward glance, despite clearly having misgivings
- the Canadian commanders were so desperate to get their troops into a fight after years of training and no action, they accepted the plan as given them.
- The Navy wouldn't commit the capital ships that everyone knew were needed to provide the offensive preparatory barrage (and I don't believe that was a wrong decision given what later transpired)
- the cloak of secrecy was such no one would take the chance of getting a spy into Dieppe to actually see what was waiting for them, and if they had they would have seen the depth of preparation the Germans had put in place - not because they were expecting this raid in specific, but as part of their general level of preparedness..
Score (out of 10) |
Been waiting to read this one for an age - probably from the first time I saw that it had been published as I am a bit of a Hastings fan boy, and I'm not sure I've read a duff one by him.. Pedestal was the code name for the operation to send a relief convoy to Malta in 1942, and this history was a bit of an eye opener measured against what I thought I knew already.. So what did I take away from this?? First , in 1942 the Royal Navy was nowhere near as accomplished as they were to become in the sphere of anti submarine warfare.. ASDIC was coming on line, but the in depth courses that taught the escort commanders how to tackle the submarine threat were some way in the future - the book is replete with examples of how the ships were just not used in the right way, and how exposed convoys and ships were at this time of the war to submarine attack.. in perhaps the luckiest night for submarines in WW2 an Italian commander sank an oil tanker, and the German U73 sank the aircraft carrier Eagle.. Second, ground to air (or in this case sea to air) coordination was also in it's infancy - despite having successfully offloaded almost 50 Spitfires to Malta, the lack of coordination between Malta and the convoy resulted in huge gaps in air cover for the convoy.. Three, British carrier born aircraft of the period were woefully under powered and under spec when compared with the enemies they were expected to take on in the air - the carriers had Hurricanes and Fairey Fulmars/Albacores, when what they needed was Spitfires.. the carriers themselves were wooden decked (little or no armour plating) and lacked the ability to get lots of planes into the air at the same time Forth, convoy coordination/communication was also in it's infancy, the Royal Navy put together a convoy comprising fast modern merchant ships (all of them were capable of 16 knots) but once the attacks started going in (by submarine, aircraft, and gunboats) most communication appears to have been by Aldiss light as it was quicker and safer than transmitting in plain English.. Fifth, as in the Napoleonic wars, the British navy needed destroyers (frigates) by the score - they were the maids of all work; fast, well armed for their size.. the Navy sent a number of cruisers as convoy escort, but they were almost a liability, requiring more protection themselves than the support they provided, ditto the aircraft carriers - there almost seemed a palpable relief when the point was reached on the convoy when the capital ships could be sent back to Gibraltar All in all then a HUGE undertaking, and Hastings does touch on the multitude of views as to whether the action, and the casualties , were justified, but I tend towards his view, and also Churchill's that it was absolutely the right thing to do, and the right time to do it... A warts and all history treating each side to an equal review of their good and bad, tactics, personal performance of the offensive forces.. my overwhelming opinion at the end of it was huge respect for the merchant seamen who got those ships to Malta, and the clear indication that the Navy were ready to learn from the mistakes. Good read.. |
9 | |
A very readable history of the Battle of France from the start of 'Fall Gelb' ('Case Yellow' - the first part of the assault - ie. "hold in place on the Belgian flank while the Panzers swung through the Ardennes and round the other flank" or as Captain Mainwaring called it, "a typical shabby Nazi trick" ๐) to the end of 'Fall Rot' ('Case Red' - the breakthrough, defeat, and occupation of France) There are no surprises here - the author covers it all (very well), but the editors, book designers and whatever have done him no favours by promising all the snake oil on the cover.. so what we DO have is a clear and concise account of the failings of the French army (operationally, tactically, mentally welded to their fortresses, and the concept of the positional battle, completely unable to react as quickly as they needed to), and we have the Germans, flushed from success in Poland where they have learned hard lessons on the actual field of battle, and with leaders like Guderian, Manstein and Rommel, absolutely overflowing with confidence in the new Panzer arm, trying desperately to persuade the more conservative elements to let them do what was planned, and eventually succeeding. An excellent book, the descriptions of the condition of the German tank troops and panzer grenadiers after being awake for days at a time was gripping. Very good but short on "myths".. |
8 | |
A Pan 70th Anniversary edition.. and I reckon I must have
first read this about 50 years ago.. probably because I had
just read his other well known book "Escape or Die" which I had
enjoyed enormously and as a result was looking for more of his
Unlike "Chastise" which I read last year, this book is more an operational history of the squadron than an exhaustive look at the Dams raid.. in fact the raid only takes up about a third of the book, as the rest of it covers events after the raid, and how 617 Squadron became a special operations squadron known for their fantastic ability to drop bombs from considerable heights into very small area's (one of the bomb-aimers in 617 had an average of dropping a bomb within 70 yards of a target, which given this was pre-laser is astonishing!) The squadron had a very close relationship with Barnes Wallis who is best known as the inventor of the bouncing bomb, but who also designed and invented the Grand Slam and Tall Boy bombs (and also the Wellington bomber, by the by).. known as 'earthquake bombs' they were massive (10 and 6 tons respectively) designed to bury themselves deep underground, and explode on a delayed fuse causing shock tremors to destroy the target.. 617 were the specialists in dropping these with pin point accuracy, and focused on the U Boat pens, the rocket sites, and enemy concentration sites (marshaling yards, bridges, viaducts, etc). Brilliant! |
10 | |
"You are so crooked, Dickie, that if you swallowed a nail,
you would shit a corkscrew". (Mountbatten according to a quote
ascribed to Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer, the former Chief
of the Imperial General Staff ๐ฎ) Excellent book, well argued, and yet I still remain in slightly mixed minds about what the real purpose of the raid was .. Bishop's narrative (which is brilliant - well worth a read) would have you believe that Mountbatten was a charismatic but vanity driven commander without any innate military skill who was looking for something he could pin first, his colours to, and secondly the colours of the clandestine organisation he led at that time, to.. He was a man desperately in need of a victory and the approbation that came with it.. along the way there are a cast of characters great and good who weren't going to get in the way of this "mission", until in the end the incredibly 5,000 brave boys of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division were thrown on to beaches where 3,367 were killed, wounded or taken prisoner, a casualty rate of 68 percent.... A catalogue of disasters.. What I remain in mixed minds about is whether the raid really was a preparation for a future D-Day, or whether that was just the justification for the bloodshed that had ensued - that everyone told everyone so many times afterwards that was the prime reason for the raid, that in the end even the men who planned it, believed it.. I think I am in less mixed mind that whether that was the actual purpose or not, one thing that did come out of it was some very, very valuable lessons were learned, that were acted on later in the war in both Normandy, and Italy/Tunisia.. Sobering.. "go, Canada!".. |
9 |
Didn't make any of them.. Salute in April was cancelled, Colours I
think DG was busy elsewhere, and I was on holiday when Warfare was on..
Did I miss them?? Have to say, 'not really' - there have been some truly
excellent thinking men's blogs on the subject of wargame shows, and
whether they have a future (thinking
this one [clicky]
and a retailers view
here [clicky]), but what drives my interest and participation in a wargame show is
different to others I suspect.. I am not a social gamer, I prefer
solo or the good company of DG, I have a minute lead mountain as I paint
to order so there is no butterfly to satisfy, mail order is orders of
magnitude better than it was in the old days, etcetcetc
I suspect I will probably never go to Salute again, purely because of the
sheer costs of attending; Colours and Warfare are possible if DG is up for
it, but I won't go on my own..
...still to do... it has re-opened following COVID, but is
currently closed for the winter layoff.
...I am now retired and have a shed load of time available (apparently),
so this one is now move towards the front burner's!
...funny how you change your focus when your horizon's close in to the
computer/virtual reality - all the events/things I would have been
trying to do were not happening, and shifted to virtual.. so
Farcebok became a ways and means of keeping in touch rather than trite
Completed.... grandson and I had a lovely day in Portsmouth's
historic dockyard with a visit on board the day that the scaffolding and
covers were going on ready for a root and branch refurb...
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Result of a small contretemps with the ground when I came
off Gertrude, my electric bike.. easy she came off considerably better than I did.. ๐ |
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..bye bye 48 hours I'll never get back (where I just slept
and took paracetamol's alternately).. but thankfully, very thankfully, that was about it for me.. "trust in the science", damn right.. |
Score (out of 10) |
A long time ago this
series of books by Arthur Ransome featuring the Swallows and the
Amazons kick started a sailing hobby that has lasted the better
part of 50 years for me - I would say Ransome has been as
influential on me as Featherstone! So in this, the fourth in the
series we are introduced for the first time to Dick and Dorothea
Callum who will provide an ongoing story line through the books.
It is winter in the lake district, snow and ice all over, the lake
is freezing, and Dick and Dorothea have been sent to spend the
holidays with their mothers old nurse. While there they make
friends with the Walker's (the Swallows) and the Blackett's (the
Amazons) and despite the lack of boats embark on an "arctic"
adventure featuring skates, sledges, storms, feasts... just
brilliant.. |
10 | |
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The one that started it all off - a methodical, incisive,
practical, checklist on how to (almost) assassinate a world
leader. I have read this book a dozen times and it never fails to
suck you in, even when you know he is not going to succeed, he
really is not the nicest of people (probably a clinically defined
psychopath), and his mission is in support of some unpleasant
people. It is stunning, what a story... really must watch
the film again soon (the Zinnemann/Fox one, not that pile of sh*te
with Bruce Willis in it) |
10 |
Aubrey fans call reading the entire series a circumnavigation, and
this is my second circumnavigation and the books continue to be
just shy of genius.. seriously if you've never read any, you
must - they are unique, the stories gripping, the atmosphere,
life, doings of the regency Royal Navy described with pin sharp
detail. I love them... deep in legal issues, Aubrey asks for any
command until his promised new frigate is ready, and is given
command of an old 74, the Worcester, a poor and shoddy example of
the British builders art she is falling to pieces.. working
her up to readiness she joins the blockade off Toulon but is soon
detached for independent service in support of diplomatic
overtures to the Turks. Following a brisk engagement Worcester is
largely condemned and Aubrey is given command of Surprise with a
picked crew as her captain was killed in the same
engagement.. there follows a momentous and bloody battle
against large Turkish frigate as only O'Brien can describe -
stunning... |
10 | |
Jack - still in charge of Surprise - is given an urgent mission to intercept a heavy French Frigate that is looking to break into the south Pacific and interrupt the whaling trade - this is the book that was mostly used for the film, and bloody good it is as well, as the Surprises battle with the thought there is a Jonah on board as the French privateer foils them at every turn.. brilliant.. | 10 | |
With the very sad news of the death of Hilary Mantel earlier this year I thought it more than time that I finally got round to reading her tour de force novelisation of the life of Thomas Cromwell - probably more popularly known as Henry VIII's "hatchet man" but so much more than that as we find out in this the first of the trilogy... This book deals with the burgoning birth of the Protestant church, and the quite extraordinary lengths Cromwell had to go through in order to secure and legitimise Henry's divorce from Katherine (of Aragon) and marriage to Anne (Boleyn) - much like the best story tellers, the book is utterly immersive - it really does feel like you are there in the court of Henry VIII with all the favouritism, wealth, treachery, gossip and manoeuvring that would mean - outstanding, extraordinary even, and it's clear that Mantel would have been more than happy to sit down with a glass of wine with Cromwell.. ๐ My first 10+ of the year... | 10+ | |
Henry is married to the "Boleyn woman" but the cracks are already beginning to show - she's given him a child, but it's a girl (Elizabeth I to be), and Anne is making Henry's life a misery with her demands for preference for the Boleyn family, and the de-legitimisation of Katherine and his other daughter (Mary). The stress and strain on Anne of trying to bring forth another full pregnancy (she has at least one miscarriage), and more importantly a boy, is brought to life with frightening detail until in the end Henry again comes to Cromwell to request his assistance in getting rid of her for whatever legitimate and legal reason he can come up with in order that he can marry Jane Seymour - chosen purely because of her very opposite nature to Anne. Anne's date with the French executioner was almost pre-ordained once Cromwell started to dig up the "facts" - brilliant! | 10 | |
...and so we come to the final chapter, quite literally, in this novelisation of the life of Thomas Cromwell. At the end the of the second volume after a lot of hard work gathering and cross-checking evidence, Cromwell had seen Anne Boleyn executed leaving Henry free to marry Jane Seymour, which he does at the start of this third and final book - will Henry finally attain the male successor he is so desperate for? At this point in his life Henry is becoming increasingly unhealthy, a leg injury has developed into an open ulcerous would which affects his ability to exercise, and his usual appetite sees him gaining weight. His marriage to Jane is happy, and Henry soon sees her pregnant and she gives birth to a boy (Edward VII) but she dies following the complicated childbirth, and it is at this point that Cromwell's star finally begins to dim... his choice for Henry's next bride is Anne of Cleeves. The marriage is a disaster and Henry blames Cromwell - the marriage is annulled, and in the political manoeuvring following it, Cromwell finds himself isolated, and even more so in the light of the fact that Henry has his eye on Catherine Howard, the niece of his greatest enemy at court, Norfolk. Cromwell is arrested, charged, attainted, and then beheaded... all this against a background of the dissolution of the monastery's, the birth pains of the British Protestantism (Henry yo-yo'd constantly between Catholicism and flavours of Protestantism)... simply stunning.. my second 10+ of this year | 10+ |
- play more games
- blog more - there I said it..
- try to keep up my painting efforts..
- continue reading more non-fiction... it is the heart and core of the hobby..
Salute, Colours and/or Warfare??
- Tangmere visit
- Edgehill walk - unlikely but if we don't aim, we don't even shoot... (just call me Confucius the Wargamer....)
- Spend less time on Facebook - it's wasted time, and it's too easy to lose an hour that I could use doing something else
losing some weight - fed up being a fat bastard...
Hi Steve, good list. I think the very hot summer threw a lot gamers out of their painting regime and the it was hard to get it back. Agree totally on the time sink of social media. Like you, I donโt do resolutions โฆ.. except this one โฆโฆ reduce my screen time by at least an hour a day and do something โrealโ instead. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteCheers Norm - during COVID the old 'soshul meeja' was a bit of a lifeline but now we're (largely) out I need to do the same as you and start running down the amount of time I spend.. I am also spending FAR to much time playing World of Tanks...! Happy New Year to you as well - and thanks for an always interesting blog...
DeleteInteresting to read your take on your year. Don't be hard on yourself, just have vague aspirations in the background. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteCheers David... 'vague aspirations'... I like that, LOL!
DeleteThanks for all the effort you have put into your blog over the year. It has been a very enjoyable read. All the best for 2023.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ben - have quite enjoyed the blog this year.. the format of the "Shooting into the Brown" articles is quite free'ing, you can shove anything in, as long or short as you like... but I need to be doing more things to provide the creative input..
DeleteHappy New Year Steve.
ReplyDeleteI would look back on 2022, thinking I did all that as well as sailing, if I were in your shoes. All the best.
Ta Nundanket - the sailing will always dominate the summer, but retirement should free up a little more time to do other things as well... and Edgehill WILL happen this year...
DeleteA very comprehensive review on all definitely need more games though Steve! Enjoyed your book take on Dieppe is pretty much what you concluded too...Monty did a "Pontious Pilate" on it and although it's only based on what I have seen/read, I feel Mountbatten was an inexperienced show pony who was given a command simply because of who he was, and made a complete pigs ear of things....your opinion on the Canadians motivation to go ahead regardless of the risks also gels with everything I have ever heard on the matter. The "lessons learned" portion I think was a fortuitous collateral outcome, not the original aim of the mission.
ReplyDeleteRross - you're very definitely pushing on an open door with Dieppe - your view of Eisenhower is interesting as well - I wonder if Dieppe was as much an unforeseen learning experience for him as it was for the other arms/services - Eisenhower was undoubtedly in my mind the right man for the job by D-Day, but his key skills were political rather than military, that ability to mould/hold a bunch of disparate people to a common cause, his experiences of Montgomery during the Dieppe operation would have been invaluable
DeleteI agree with several others that you should be pleased with what you have achieved Steve. I hope that retirement lives up to its expectations although I have found that life still get in the way more than I would like - but of course our nearest and dearest deserve time. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and activities in 2023. Happy New Year.